Saturday, December 31, 2005
16:37: i would say that during the holidays, there is nothing sadder than having to spend new year's eve at the office, away from your family, the good food, the good wine and champagne, the noise and pretty fireworks, the wonderful photo opportunities, and happily getting smashed. except maybe coming home on new year's eve for a quick hello before heading off to work in a cold, deserted office, only to find that no one is home. bugger.
happy new year, folks! don't let my gloom get to you. i've still got reasons to smile. and i expect that i won't be doing much at work, anyhow. good time to catch up on my reading. =)
brewed by lifecafe
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
12:09: there are three major reasons why i wanted to move out of the house. reason number two seems to have solved itself. or so i think. that makes leaving a lot easier. this way, i don't feel like i'm washing my hands of it when i leave.
yeah, i'm moving out, finally. i was supposed to have moved last monday, but with my work schedule being so weird, i didn't move my stuff until the morning of christmas eve. i saved fitz and her stuff for last.
i am currently looking for a roommate to lessen the expenses, although i can handle the rent for now and i wouldn't mind having the room to myself. of course it means a longer wait to have enough money saved to get my own little pc for the condo. will's got his own, but i imagine he'll be using it a lot. i feel extremely lucky that will and i get along really well. he said he's really excited that i'm finally moving in, because now he has someone to bug and someone to bug him. i expect we won't be bugging each other that much, though, since we both keep to ourselves.
ho-hum... must get ready now. still need to set-up my electronics and get pillows.
hope you lot had a good christmas! have a splendid new year!
brewed by lifecafe
Monday, December 19, 2005
08:00: apparently, i am one of the lucky few who won't be working on christmas eve. of course to me that means nothing, as i won't be seeing my family on christmas eve anyway.
i've got a failry silly schedule for the next week or so. i won't be working on wednesday and thursday because those are my days off. i'll be back on friday, which is the start of my week. i won't be working on saturday because i get christmas eve off. but i will be working on sunday, christmas day. i won't be working on monday because it's boxing day. i'll be back to work on tuesday, naturally. then i'll be off again on wednesday and thursday before starting a full week on friday.
if pgma ran our company, or had control over my schedule, i'd be off all week until the 30th or even after the new year. heheh. but i'm not complaining. much. at least i get some days off.
brewed by lifecafe
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
18:59: remember how everytime i think of him, he gets in touch with me somehow? he's done it again. a few weeks back, maybe a couple of months back, he called. i might have mentioned that. he said he was going to film school in australia before the end of the year. i didn't know what to say, so i said that we should go out for coffee or something before he left. stupid stupid stupid stupid.
anyhow, i was recently thinking about the offer i extended... i wasn't really about to follow up on it or anything. i just wondered about it. he did say he was leaving in december, after all. then he texts me to say he has a new number. i replied asking how he was and that i thought he was supposed to leave. then he called. says it's his birthday and that he got a new job and his plans have been postponed. he said he'd been calling but that i was always either out or asleep.
so he's staying. glad this didn't happen last weekend. sad nostalgia and alcohol aren't a good mix for me. *sigh* ayoko na.
brewed by lifecafe
Saturday, December 03, 2005
21:37: was so pissed this morning. woke up this afternoon after maybe 3 hours of sleep and i couldn't move my arm. then i realised it was because i had someone's head on it. got home at about 4pm and spoke to my sister before getting some proper rest. my head's still fuzzy. i remember little details, like having had a black russian, six beers and iza's gin and juice from hell. i remember having maybe 3 chips before the dip was all gone. and i remember iza miraculously coming up with more cheese for dip, much to will's surprise, because he knew he didn't have any cheese. it was owned by one of his borders, apparently. i remember talking to greg because he seemed really down about something. i remember being so smashed that i texted my email address to someone who was asking me for the gmail password. who was she and what password was she talking about? i had no idea and i didn't think to ask. when i realised i sent out the wrong info, i called the person and apologised (with an accent carried over from work) and said something completely ridiculous that made no sense at all, and so i will not repeat it here. and no, i still didn't ask her who she was and how she got my number while i was talking to her. the last thing i remember was will getting drunk and me checking to see if he was ok. when he was all "yeah! i'm okay!" still in a cheerful voice, i went back to the room. i don't remember much else after that until we woke up sometime after noon. gawd. i need gatorade.
brewed by lifecafe